Thanks to the SRG APIs, the numerous content and information of the SRG five enterprise units can be used in endless different ways.
In this blog article, we would like to show you the potential of the retrievable data for local usage with the help of different APIs. API's can also be used in a combined way.
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But let's place a bet first: there should be at least one contribution about each municipality in Switzerland from SRF, RTS, RSI or RTR!
If you live in a (political) municipality about which there is no contribution yet, we will do our utmost to create one (further down you will find a link under 'SRG SSR Archives', where you can search for contents about your municipality).
The APIs may only be used for non-commercial purposes. Do you have any ideas or inputs that would help us to move forward together, or do you have any other questions? Please send us an email to
Below is the potential of the various APIs for local use:
The archives of the five enterprise units can be used in countless ways. The potential it holds for local offerings can be found on accesses the archive API and was created as part of the SRG SSR archive opening. Via this link you can now also check how many contributions there are regarding your municipality.
Here is a quick excerpt of how many entries there are for various Swiss cities (the results counted also contributions from other swiss institutions):
- 52,385 entries on ‘Zürich / Zurich / Zurigo’ (31,077 / 19,404 / 1,904)
- 87,080 entries on ‘Bern / Berne / Berna’ (41,134 / 32,993 / 12,953)
- 20,867 entries on ‘Basel / Bâle / Basilea’ (15,980 / 2,609 / 2,278)
- 34,735 entries on ‘Genève / Genf / Ginevra’ (22,325 / 7,386 / 5,024)
- 24,800 entries on ‘Lausanne / Losanne’ (20,308 / 4,492)
- 33,412 entries on ‘Lugano’
- 4,182 entries on ‘Locarno’
These entries can be curated as content for all kinds of local offers and services.
Do you wish to use local archives data? Click here.
Are you interested in local ballot and election results, especially in historical comparison? Then this API can provide you with a lot of data.
Whether you are involved in local politics, do research on political topics or report on politics for your municipality or region, with the data from SRG SSR Polis you not only have access to the current ballot and election results, but also to many historical results and data.
Do you want to use this comprehensive election and voting data? Click here.
SRGSSR Music Platform
The platform includes countless entries from more than 30,000 musicians and bands from all over Switzerland.
All of these contributions are geolocated and can therefore be linked to a municipality. This is an enormous potential still to be exploited.
Media, cultural promotion institutions, concert venues, festivals and other music enthusiasts can easily access data on local contemporary music creation via this API.
Here an overview of how many entries there are currently for a few selected locations in Switzerland.
- 10,207 results for ‘Zürich’
- 6,699 results for ‘Bern’
- 6,505 results for ‘Lausanne’
- 5,937 results for ‘Genève’
- 4,421 results for ‘Basel’
- 3,453 results for ‘Luzern’
- 1,274 results for ‘Chur’
- 1,224 results for Lugano
- 1,156 results for ‘St.Gallen’
- 543 results for ‘Locarno’
Are you interested in how many contributions there are for your municipality? You can find out by entering the locality in the search field on
Do you want to access the data on local music creation? Please click here.
Despite the abbreviation 'SRF', this weather data is available for all language regions.
Along with SRGSSR-EPG, these API are the SRG's most used ones. It is used, among other things, to control building systems or to display local weather conditions on websites, for example of tourism organisations.
Even if weather apps are widely used (e.g. SRF Meteo), the reference to a specific location can be emphasised with the display of the current local weather.
There are hardly any limits to the potential use of weather data. Among other things, it could be used to play out the appropriate emojis in any digital tool – from indoor screens to newsletters. Or in continuously updated graphics or animations, the connection between current weather data and the climate crisis can be shown. Or in combination with the API SRG SSR music platform, a specific song from the region can be broadcast depending on the weather.
Do you wish to use local weather data? Please click here.
These two APIs allow to retrieve live data from Play SRF, Play RTS, Play RSI and Play RTR – with the current programmes and entries (back up to 7 days). Via the player we provide, this content can also be used for news or content on local topics.
Do you wish to use local news and other live contributions? This way to audio & video.