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New API for Hackdays 2021 open Archive SRF and RTR
As SRGSSR, we always try new technologies for providing state-of-the-art experience for both inte
Who can use the SRG-SSR APIs?
Any company or developer who wants to use the SRG-SSR Developer Portal and its APIs can register.
So kannst du Daten der SRG nutzen – Teil 1: Hyperlocal
Die APIs der SRG SSR bieten unzählige Möglichkeiten, die vielen Inhalte und Informationen der fün
How to use SRG data – Part 1: Hyperlocal
Thanks to the SRG APIs, the numerous content and information of the SRG five enterprise units can
Die SRG SSR hat für die APIs ein neues Developer Portal 🎉
Kannst du dir darunter nichts vorstellen?
SRF Weather: Neue Daten-Pakete!
SRG SSR Hackday 2023
Discover. Develop. Together.
SWI API Deprecated
The SWI API is deprecated and is expected to be integrated into the Content API by the end of Nov